Friday, May 31, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 31 Las Vegas Wedding

I can't believe that I got to the END of the challenge. I am really proud that I managed to stick to posting every single day! At the end of the 31 days I feel like I've learned a lot about myself, met a group of amazing bloggers, and have gained the new habit of blogging regularly. All in all I would say that this blog challenge was a wonderful experience and I'm excited to participate in another one soon. :) Here is the FINAL prompt:

"A vivid memory"

I chose my wedding for today's blog post because it is truly one of the most vivid memories that I have. I got married in Las Vegas, hey NOW! It was the very first time that my husband and I had visited the city and we decided to do it up properly with a wedding. ;)

No, Elvis was NOT at my wedding. 

No, we did not go through a drive through chapel. 

Finally, NO the words "little", "best", or "wedding chapel" were not anywhere to be found when we got married. 

Our wedding was actually well thought out, classy, and a beautiful occasion that had been planned out months before we arrived in Las Vegas. Rich and chose Las Vegas because of it's affordability and that the city could double as our honeymoon spot.

Our wedding had to be on a budget and after some consideration we found out that Las Vegas would offer the most bang for our buck so we planned, planned, and just trusted that it would work out, AND IT DID!

Proof of our non-Elvis, Las Vegas wedding.

My most vivid memory was when they played my wedding march music, which wasn't very wedding marchy when I think about it. I chose to walk out to Sigur Ros' Hoppipolla and every time I hear the music I almost burst into tears because I can see the way my husband looked at me that day. I can see the love in his eyes, the way he smiled at me like I was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. Apparently, I didn't walk slowly like a proper bride, but pretty much ran to him down the aisle. I had both of my parents walking me down the aisle and I remember my mom pulling me back and telling me to slow down. I didn't slow down. ;)

Here is the song that I chose for my wedding march. I think that the Hoppipolla will always be my favorite piece of music because how easily it captured what I felt for my husband. You might remember this piece of music from the movie Penelope.

What's your most vivid memory? I would love to hear about a moment in your life that sticks out like it was yesterday because I know that the day I married Richard Turpin feels like it just happened. :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Clothing Collective: Introductions!

Today, I'm going to share with you the very FIRST post in The Clothing Collective series that my friend Katie and I are doing together. For starters we wanted to introduce ourselves so that you know who we are and why we created The Clothing Collective!

My name is Crystal and until just a few years I was pretty much fashion challenged. I never knew what to wear and always felt like I was lost in a clothing store. On top of being a complete fashion wreck I was also struggling with my weight and not knowing how to flatter my body with my clothing choices was hard. Well the fitness gods intervened and I got myself a brand-new body, but STILL no clue how to best accentuate it so I started to study up and I really began to see fashion in a whole new light. Fashion stopped being my life's bane and became a thing that I enjoyed after I took the time to understand how to dress my shape. I believe that fashion should be a vehicle of self-expression and empowerment for women at every size, and I hope you like what I bring to The Clothing Collective, because I'll be bringing my A-game!

Hi there! My name is Katie. I’m a fashion school drop-out turned journalist but I still love clothes and I love seeing what creative outfits other people come up with (particularly if they are daring as that is so not my style!).  My look would probably best be described as classic with a nod to current trends (ugh, how pretentious does that sound?). All I know is I absolutely think less is more and would rather have an understated look than be known for being over the top—but don’t get me wrong I love bold looks on other ladies! My clothes are rarely* designer because um, journalist, here, but I don’t see that as an impediment to creating really cute looks.

I’m excited to start this project with Crystal and see what we both come up!

*and by rarely, I mean never.

Well, that was us in a nutshell, wow, writing ABOUT yourself is much harder than you think. :) We really hope that you are as excited as we are, and to get you just as ramped up here is a schedule to let you know which occasions we will be tackling this month.

Anniversary/ Date Night June 2nd
Spring Garden Part June 9th
Summer Fun June 16th
Work Out Outfit June 23rd
Beachwear June 30th

Have a wonderful day and we can't wait to get our very first outfit post underway this Sunday! Make sure to swing by on the 2nd to see what we come up with and to let us know what you think. Also, if you have any ideas for future outfit posts let us know.

BEDM Challenge: Day 30 Pure Joy

Day 30's writing prompt:

"React to this term: Letting Go"

 The theme of "letting go" has been really powerful in my life lately and so when I saw today's writing prompt I was beyond excited to write about it!

I won't be long-winded so here is what I react to "letting go". 

Joy. Pure unadulterated J-O-Y.

I had to cut a lot of things out that were holding back from living my happiest life and when I did I was amazed at what I was able to do, who I was able to BECOME. Negative friendships, old mindsets, fear of success, sub-par eating habits, I let it go and I have never felt such freedom.

I guess freedom would be another word besides joy that I would use to react to "letting go" because it seemed that when I removed my old parameters and let myself believe in my dreams that I have become my most optimistic.

Whatever is in your life that is holding you back get rid of it. I know that it can be hard, or you might be scared of hurting someone's feelings, but iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17) and in order to improve yourself you need new challenges and the freedom to believe that you can achieve your goals. 

Have you ever let anything go that you were afraid of? How did you do it and did you notice a change for the better in your life?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 29 All My Guilty Pleasures

Today's blog post was so easy that it felt criminal! No racking my brain and debating how to word something just so, just music. I loved it. Today's prompt:

"Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories."

Bingo. Bango. 
I knew exactly what to do.

If you haven't already heard the beautiful musical stylings of Megan Tonjes then allow me to introduce you to this incredibly talented and beautiful woman. I have been pretty much going on and on nonstop about her to my friends (sorry, Katie!) and family because recently her new music has been so fitting to my mood.

What I'm going to share for the sake of the blog challenge is not Megan's original, but a mashup that she did a couple of years ago. I can't tell you the amount of times that I had this particular mashup going on a loop while I powered through my last year at college. There was something about the light-hearted pop songs that were a welcome break from all of the reading and writing that I was doing at the time. I will never know what I was thinking when I decided to write not one, but two theses. Worst decision EVER! 

Anyways, Megan's voice was so AMAZING and her talent so great that she was able to take some ordinary pop songs that usually went unnoticed by me unless I was with friends dancing or singing off-key in my car by my lonesome. Every single one of the songs in Megan's mashup are undeniably some of my guilty pleasures, and some are not so guilty. :)

Megans amazing mashup is of the following pop songs:

"In My Head" by Jason Derulo
"Fireflies" by Owl City
"Tik Tok" by Kesha
"Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera
"Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga
"Save Tonight" by Eagle Eye Cherry
"Your Love is My Drug" by Kesha
"Baby" by Justin Bieber 

Since there are so many songs in this single mashup I think I can satisfactorily check the 5 songs or more box for this blog challenge. :)

Here is the In My Head Mashup! 

Also, if you are looking for new beautiful music then make sure to check out Megan's original music! Megan has released some really great stuff lately and so if you are new to her music then you are in for a treat! I have to share my current favorites of her new music with you all before I end this blog post.



I could go on and on about Megan Tonjes and why I love her and how talented she is, but I think you can see for yourself once you hear her sincere music. Don't forget to show Megan some love if you enjoy her music and I hope you end up loving her as much as I do!

Find Megan's youtube channel, here.
Find Megan's tumblr, here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 28 Shop Photos!

I'm almost at the end of the blog challenge! I am so excited that I have been able to meet so many great bloggers and that I've managed to stay on track with posting every day. :) Here is day 28's writing prompt:

"Only photos."

It rained and was generally gloomy today so a shop photo shoot was in order!

Keep an eye out for these beauties in the etsy shop, Seoul Sold!Have a wonderful day and I hope the weather is fairer wherever you are!

Monday, May 27, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 27 I'm Moving!

Today's blog challenge post was very welcome because it gave me the perfect opportunity to share some big news! Here's the writing prompt:

"A letter to your readers."

Now on the the news!

suitcases by Phineas H. Creative Commons Attribution Licence Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

I'm moving and not just back to the states! I'll be moving from my current blog and shop to a brand spankin' NEW ONE! However, I have no idea what to name the new blog/shop so I have a lot of thinking to do. I've gotten so used to using Seoul Sold as my identifier online that having to think of a new name has been difficult. 

Anyhow, I am so glad to have met everyone and learned what I have since I started blogging on Seoul Sold. I am so grateful to everyone who reads and stops by my little corner of the internet and I couldn't be happier with my experience as a blogger. I am trying to find a name that I'll never have to change and can really grow into as a blogger, but that is much easier said than done!

If you are blogger what kind of process did you have to go through to find the name that you felt was perfect? I know my current name was pretty much the product of too much coffee and luck, and I am really interested to hear how y'all came up with your current blog names.

Thank you for reading and keep an eye out for my big moving announcement!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 26 Adventure Guide!

I am so excited about today's blog post and it isn't just because I'm almost done with the BEDM challenge, although it is pretty awesome that I have managed to stick to posting once every single day this month! Hurray! Day 26's blog prompt:

"Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like."

I was going through some of my favorite blogs when I came across EXACTLY what I wanted to share with everyone. Since moving to South Korea, I have had the great fortune of going on a pretty awesome adventure that I never imagined would happen when I stepped off the plane. I've also come into contact with so many great blog readers who have expressed a great interest in traveling abroad, but have never had the opportunity. So, when I was reading one my new favorite blogs, The Nectar Collective, and came across Melyssa's DIY Guide to Adventure I knew that I had to share it!

Melyssa is a California lady living in Tokyo, Japan and her blog is full of amazing inspiration, DIY's, and wonderful downloads to get you smiling. Since I have found The Nectar Collective, I am always eager to see what new awesome things Melyssa has put up and I am never disappointed with her content.

The DIY Guide to Adventure is a practical guide that will help get you on track if you are rearing to go on an international adventure. Melyssa's guide helps you calculate not only where and when you want to take your trip, but also how a financial timeline should happen to get you there. I know that I wish I had a guide like this when I left home for England when I was 19 years-old and clueless. Take a look at the guide and let me know what you think and don't forget to send Melyssa some love for her wonderful resource!!

I have had travel on the brain lately because of all of the travel planning that I have been doing for my upcoming trip to the....THE PHILIPPINES! Yep, you heard me! How exciting is that? I know that I can't wait for my trip and a lot the questions that Melyssa put in her guide are the very same questions that my husband and I asked ourselves when considering when and where to take a vacation.

A shot of where we will be staying in beautiful Boracay!! I can't WAIT!
 If you could take a trip anywhere in the world where you would go? How long would you stay? And if you have taken a trip that you dreamed about how did it change your perspective?

Find the DIY Guide to Adventure, here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Clothing Collective

Hello everyone! I wanted to update you all on great collaboration that is going on between myself and my best friend Katie! Katie and I decided to put our efforts together to do a weekly fashion post that we have dubbed The Clothing Collective.
Here's what's in store!

We are going to take one outfit concept and give it two different looks based on our personal style and taste. While Katie and I get along super well we have completely different personalities and fashion styles so you'll be in for some great fashion ideas from two separate perspectives.

I can't wait to get The Clothing Collective underway! We will be putting up a schedule so that you can stay up-to-date on content and please let us know what kind of outfits you'd like to see us do. Make sure to keep an eye out for new posts to inspire every Sunday! 

Make sure to check out Katie's blog, The Style Dunce.

BEDM Challenge: Day 25 Like A Bright Star

I think the blog every day challenge has been really good for me because I have actually been finding it easier to write. Before the challenge writing a blog post was an ordeal that needed to be carefully planned out with a day dedicated to it, but now I can do it fairly painlessly. Day 25's prompt:

"Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)"

When I sat down to think of what to write for this blog post I immediately knew what I wanted to write. I have no idea why, but the words of an ex-boyfriend came to mind and despite all the things that others have said to be his words kept ringing in my ears.

"You are like a bright star that burns too brightly for other people to catch."

Image courtesy of christmashat, here.
I literally have NO IDEA why this kept popping in my head today because it honestly hasn't come to mind in forever, but it was one of those moments of honesty and sincerity, and I think that's why it came to mind.

Oddly enough his words were part of the inspiration that I needed to stay AWAY from him when our relationship went south. Funny how that works, huh?

What's something memorable that someone told you and how did it affect you? I'm sure that it played significant part of your life, but did it help you make a life changing decision like it did for me? 

Friday, May 24, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 24 Snuggle Time

Well day 24 of the blog challenge has rolled around and here I am blogging while I have dinner on the stove and as I multi-task tonight it is plain for me to see what to write about today! Day 24's prompt:

"Your 3 worst traits"

This couldn't be any easier.

1. I over commit myself. I always seem to be going a million different directions under the sun.

2. I am a horrible time manager. Never ask me to ballpark a time figure for you...EVER.

3. I fail to see when the people closest to me need more quality time with me.

I guess all of these traits kind of go together. I really don't like calling them traits because that seems almost final and I am trying to work at fixing where I fall short. I am always going, going, going and sometimes I fail to stop and take the time to be where I NEED to be. It can be hard to see where you SHOULD be versus where you THINK you should be. 

I usually am very guilty of trying to do a million things in a limited amount of time and it's my closest friends and family that suffer. I am mainly talking about my husband who does the sweetest things for me and is oh, so very patient with his crazy wife. 

I love you, Rich.

Are there any other people out there that can relate to what I'm saying? Isn't it sad that when we want to do everything under the sun we can so easily miss spending time with those that so plainly need it? 

Now that I got this post done I am going to go log some serious snuggle time!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 23 Walking Around Sense

I was so excited for today's blog challenge prompt and I couldn't wait to get my MacBook out, get to my favorite cafe, and BLOG IT OUT! Day 23's prompt:

"Things you've learned that school won't teach you"

When I read the blog prompt the first thing that came to my mind was something that my mother used to say all the time when I was kid, "You have a lot of book smarts, but you don't have any walking around sense."

Gee, thanks Mom! 

However, you know she was really right because we always think that we know everything when we are young, but we know NOTHING about life. I remember being 17 and thinking that I had the world figured out, I was graduating, and getting as far away from my small town as my car would carry me. I was an invincible force of nature and the world was mine.

So for this prompt I thought about what would I tell myself if I could talk to me BEFORE I went to college. I used to think that all of life's problems could be solved by a degree and when I say all of them I mean ALL of them.

Here is what I came up with:

If I could talk to my 17 year-old self I would take her by the shoulders and give her a good shake. "Life is not as simple as you think," I would tell her while shoving her into a seat, "You aren't as street smart as you think. People are going to steal from you, they are going to lie to you, they are going to try and hurt you, and you can't always stop them."

I know that she would scoff at me and tell me she's got it all covered, and she has been totally preparing for this moment. She'd cross her arms and smirk at me in the way that my mom hates and calmly tell me that she's read about all the cities she wants to live in, studied the languages, learned about the scams, and even gone to etiquette classes to prep.

Ugh, I can be such a know-it-all.

"Please, you don't have the slightest clue, little girl!" I would say to her and scoff right back because I know she's always hated being called little girl.  

"Don't pull all that on me and don't think just because you were in the top quarter of your graduating class that you are smart in the ways of the world, because we both know it wasn't hard." I would say  while giving a challenging glare when she opened her mouth to protest.

"I've got a decade on you, not to mention a degree under my belt with a 3.94 GPA, a double major WITH a foreign language minor. I know Russian, yea, RUSSIAN. I graduated with magna cum laude honors, phi beta kappa acceptance, and a CV that's four pages long, and I'm starting my masters in the Fall, so don't even start with me.

Only then would the 17 year-old girl in front of me shut her mouth, but her eyes would still be bright with anger. I'd ignore this, take a deep breath, smile in the gentlest way possible and start to talk softly.

"You don't know what's out there and no amount of school will fix that. No matter how HIGH you make your GPA go, or how much you study it won't change the fact that you are clueless. The academic accolades and lectures won't teach you to stand on your own two feet when the rug has been pulled out from you. The classroom won't show you how to be strong when you have nothing in your bank account, a broken heart, and an empty stomach." I would say while sitting next to her and spreading my hands out for emphasis.

"Take the time to make friends, don't compete ruthlessly, and slow DOWN." I would continue with a sigh, peeking at her waiting for her to speak.

"But, school was supposed to get us out of here and away from this place and the problems. All of them." She would groan while looking up at the ceiling. "School was the way out and everything else was supposed to follow."

"Yea, I know, but funny thing is life doesn't follow a schedule...not matter how much you try to force it. Living life and not scheduling it is actually something we STILL can't do." I reply with a grin.

"Great. So basically....I'm in for it?" She asks with a rueful smile.

"Kinda, but here are the top five things to remember," I say while looking at her to make sure she's paying attention, "Ok, so in your life this is what I learned that I could NOT get from the classroom:

1) Love who you want, but never let a broken relationship define you. You are going to fall in love more than once and every time it will be worth it. Except for the doctor, STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS. Unless you are dying SEEK NO MEDICAL ATTENTION.

2) Always go outside your comfort zone, because that is when you shine. Your best friends will be the most unlikely people.

3) You can't FIX people. Period. Do not invest in a relationship that is toxic to you, so choose your friends wisely and don't be afraid to end fruitless relationships.

4) MONEY MANAGEMENT. Can you say it with me? NO CREDIT CARDS....EVER. Ok, maybe the Best Buy one because we really like cameras.

5) Let people in and let your guard down. I know you've been hurt horribly in your life, but refusing to show any vulnerability isn't living. Feel everything even when it hurts.

So that's how I imagine a conversation between my younger-self and I would go. There would be plenty that I would want to tell her beyond these five things, but for the sake of blog space I'll keep it to just these five. But it would be nice to tell her to maybe stop dating singers, not to be afraid of LOOKING LIKE A GIRL because it's actually fun, converse do NOT count as a dress shoe, Europe isn't as fun as it looks, yes, you end up getting married and YES, YOU HAVE A WEDDING, and to maybe just maybe try a music type outside of emo punk.

What are life lessons that you learned OUTSIDE of the classroom and what would you give anything to tell your younger-self?  Nothing at all? I like a devil-may-care attitude so if that's you let's talk!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 22 Korea Makes Me Happy

It's day 22 of the blog every day challenge and today's prompt was a mixed bag for me. Here's the prompt that opened the door for me to be snarky:

Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)

Hmmmmm....the possibilities are endless for all kinds of sarcastic quips and good 'ol fashioned soapbox preaching! My husband will tell you that I enjoy an opportunity for righteous anger and he isn't wrong because sometimes a good rant can feel wonderful, but I wasn't really feeling ranty today. Actually, I feel down right chipper! I just got done with my very first K-Pop dance class so all of the bubbly dance moves are most likely responsible for my happy attitude. I'm even whistling, yes whistling a happy little ditty.

So, here's what I'm going do instead of ranting I'll share some Korean things that make me really happy.

When I walk into 7-11 and see a glorious display of Samgak Kimbap. You didn't know it, but all the 7-11s went to South Korea to live and prosper.

Gwangjang Market's never ending food selection. I want to eat everything...TWICE.

Taekwondo because it let's me hone my jumping-off-the-wall-while-aiming-a-kick-at-a-burgler's-head in a practical manner.


Ridiculous Korean camera taking poses with friends.

And my new current favorite, K-Pop dance classes! 

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this little post and while I strayed from the blog prompt I couldn't help it. Nothing to get indignant or snarky about when you are whistling a ditty! What are some of your favorite things?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 21 Retro Favorites

I feel like the blog every day challenge has been really stretching these past few days and so today's blog prompt is a nice reprieve from having to do soul searching and major reflection time. So here's day 21's blog challenge:

"A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives"

 Isn't that a nice little easy going blog prompt? Yup, I thought it was, too! So here are my top 5 retro favorites from the archives of Seoul Sold!
This blog post was a labor of love because it was a a fairly time consuming photo shoot and it was a blog post that I had to write thoughtfully. I wanted to do my very best to make self-photography as simple as possible for reader, and not to mention it was my second post in the BEDM series!

This is hands down my favorite outfit post on the blog and I loved writing/modeling for it!

I love this post because I got to share a little information that I picked up from running my Etsy shop and I found it satisfying to share with people that may not be aware of how to fit themselves properly.

This smoothie is my FAVORITE creation and I am pretty obsessed with it right now with the beautiful weather!

I love this post because it was when I got to introduce my best friend's blog! Check her blog out, here. I only had to nag for the better part of a year for her to FINALLY DO IT!

Every post that I chose is my favorite for a different reason and I hope that you'll take the time to check them out because I know you'll end up loving them as much as I do! Comment and let me know what you think and make sure to leave your blog so I can find my way back to you!

Monday, May 20, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 20 I suck at...

Today's blog post was really good and freeing to do. I had to take time to look hard in the mirror and think about what I am struggling with in my life. Day 20's blog post challenge:

"Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now."

Get real. What great words. It was pretty easy to write about what I'm struggling with and once I actually put it down on the blog, I felt freer.  I'm having a devil of a time remembering to be content in my life. I always seek to improve things and I always want to try and make things the absolute BEST that they can be. All of that really just means that I can turn into a control freak/I get myself into pricey situations that I have to figure my way out of. Ugh.

The scripture Proverbs 15:17  has been speaking to me lately has been a great source of comfort and inspiration in my struggle and I am so very happy to share it with y'all.
You can find this amazing graphic, here, by
I have been repeating this to myself and have found great comfort in this verse. Hopefully, my need to be a perfectionist will subside as time goes on. It's ok to take a deep breath and let things be so long as everyone is happy. Because, really, no one is going to notice the stain on the table cloth at the dinner party, or the skid across my very best dress shoes, or the fact pretty much all my dishes are chipped...I am a hulk when I do dishes, whoops. 

What are you struggling with and do you have any inspiration that has been helping you work through it?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

BEDM Challenge: Day 18 I'm A Tortilla Making Machine

So today's challenge made me sad that I don't have any pictures from my childhood. I hadn't even realized that I have not a SINGLE photo from when I was a kid, say what?! My mom is sort of the keeper of any photos or memorabilia from my childhood. Yes, I said memorabilia! Day 18's prompt made me go way back and take time to remember my childhood.

"Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt."

This is the last photo that I took of my Abuela about a month before she died when I was 19.
My earliest memories are centered around my grandmother's kitchen. As a child I spent a lot of time at my grandma's and like any traditional abuela the kitchen was the center of her house. I used to love sitting with my grandmother in the mornings and drink my "coffee", which was really just a bunch of milk with maybe a couple of sips of coffee mixed in. My grandmother's cooking was LEGENDARY and there are so many tastes that I can only try to recreate, but get NO WHERE near. Abuela's cooking was like medicine for the soul there was nothing that she couldn't cook away. I hope that one day when I'm a grandmother my grandchildren will say the same about me, but I'll do it WITHOUT the Crisco.

My mother has never been much of a cook and she never truly enjoyed being in the kitchen, but my grandmother was completely different. My grandmother loved people by feeding them and it's a trait that I have definitely learned from her. I remember being about 6 years-old and being completely fascinated by how my grandmother moved in the kitchen with lightening speed. Abuela was 4'9 and maybe a 100 lbs, a mother to 11 and the gentlest woman that I have ever known. Learning to make tortillas is one of the skills that passed on to me and whenever I get elbow deep in dough I think of her. I can hear my grandmother clucking at me when I am flipping the tortillas over an open flame and I can feel her approval that I am doing so barehanded because all good Mexican women should, right Abuelita? ;)

My grandmother was so particular about how things should be done and I find myself even arranging the balls of dough the in same L-shaped formation on the counter that she did before rolling out each tortilla. Because of my grandmother's passion in the kitchen I have learned to see it as an opportunity to show how much I care about someone. To me food can be a vehicle for the love you have for someone and I believe there isn't anything that a great meal can't fix. When I was in my grandmother's kitchen I felt safe and loved in a way that I haven't felt since she died. Abuelita died when I was 19 and I miss her terribly. 

I love you, abuela. Thanks for making sure that I have the old school skills to be a tortilla making machine!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Shop Update//Exciting News!

How is everyone? 

I hope that your Friday is shaping up to be as great as mine is, and in celebration of kicking off a great weekend I am sharing some vintage pretties that I just put in the shop!
Vintage Maroon Secretary Blouse, here.
Vintage Key-Hole Dress, here.
Vintage Blue Floral Dress, here.

In addition to these great listings I am going to share some really exciting news about a new option that I am offering in my Etsy shop, Seoul Sold. I just rolled out my personal shopping experience for great vintage clothing in Seoul! How great is that? I am so excited to start personal shopping for any and everyone! :)

The normal sights on a shopping trip into the city's vintage markets.
With just a click of your mouse you and I will become best buds and talk about your dislikes and likes and what kind of vintage garment your little heart desires. I will then head out into the city and do all of the leg work for you and find the perfect vintage item to add to your closet! Check out the details, here, and let me know what you think!

Have a great weekend everyone.