Friday, May 17, 2013

BEDM Challenge : Day 17 Getting Made Up

Day 17 is here and I am over halfway done with the blog everyday challenge! I didn't even realize  that I had gotten past the halfway point and that now that I have it feels really good! I was unsure of how successful I would be when I joined this challenge and I feel great for having stuck to it 100%! Here is Day 17's prompt:

"A favorite photo of yourself and why"

I chose a photo from my wedding day and I absolutely love the moment that it captured. When I look at this photo I remember how I felt just hours before my wedding. I was so excited and eager to get get things underway for the wedding day and looking at this photo reminds me of that. Also, it was when the hair and make-up started that I realized that my marriage was ACTUALLY HAPPENING and that was so much fun!

Well that was one of my favorite photos of myself and why! Do you have a photo that you love and does looking at it make you remember the moment that it was taken?


  1. What a lovely picture!! :D Gorgeous makeup too.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. :) I loved my wedding make-up so much I wish I had make-up artist waiting for me everyday.

  2. Ohh, that red lip is fablous. I like bold colors but I'm always to afriad to wear them on my face.

    1. I used to think that I couldn't wear them either and then I got some really great tips from the make-up artist that did my wedding look. I LOVE the red lip now! You should give the bold colors a go! I bet you would look stunning.

  3. Gorgeous! i love red lipstick too. Not that I wear it..

    1. Red lipstick is definitely one of those things that you have to go big or go home on, at least that's what I think. :) You should give it a try, I bet it would look beautiful on you!

  4. Replies
    1. I know! I was kind of skeptical when she showed me how red she wanted to go, but then I let her do her thing and I am so happy that I did because it looked awesome.

  5. you look stunning. you are so beautiful :)

    p.s: love that lipstick

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet words!! I'm going to get a big head with all of the compliments and love I have gotten through the blog challenge. :)

  6. Beautiful photo!! We're heading to Korea next year, I love that I stumbled upon your blog! Visiting from Story of my Life :D

    Chantal @ Scattered Seashells

    1. Oh, wow!! Where will you be moving to? If you have ANY questions just let me know. I have been here for about a year and a half now so I have this country figured out!! You are going to LOVE it here.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! The lipstick was definitely my favorite part of the look even though I was so nervous when she suggested it. I had never done such a bold lip before, but now that I have there is NO going back.
