Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Decisions from graduate schools are starting to roll in and it's looking more and more like I will be going back to the states after this summer to get my graduate education underway! I am really excited about the future and I hope that everything continues along the current path. 

However, my husband and I will be faced with months of separation in different countries if I make the move and I feel like I am always saying good-bye to him. 

Just another perk of a military spouse’s life.  (Insert sourpuss face here)

Not ones to dwell on the grim spots in life my husband and I decided to take a last getaway vacation before we spend the better part of a year apart.

And that is the HARD PART, friends! We have no idea where to go! Our top choices are Palau, Thailand, and the Philippines. I was set on Palau until it looked like all there was to do was dive...I have this about sharks eating me and so I am deathly afraid of diving. I blame countless Sci-Fi channel Sharktopus movies. My husband on the other hand seems to be a long-lost relative of Jacque Cousteau.

Have any of you been to these places? Where did you go? What did you love? What did you EAT?!

Can you tell that I am just a teensy bit worked up about this? Any thoughts would be appreciated in this vacation stand off! :)


  1. Have fun on your getaway! Separation is always hard, I know first hand :(. Sadly I've never been to any of those places but they sound lovely!


  2. Isn't long distance the pits? I thought getting married was supposed to get rid of all that, bah! And you are right, all the places we are thinking about look beautiful so at the very least the scenery will be top-notch. :)

  3. long distance is so tough! My husband and I did this when we were dating...but nothing like what it sounds like you have had/will have. BUT, at least you have options for your future. That is always a positive! =)

    1. Nancy,

      Long distance is the pits no matter for how long you do it! I hope you and your husband don't have to do another stint apart! Yes, you are totally right, I am so grateful for the options that I have and I couldn't be happier! :)
